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Accord Advantage

What sets us apart? We believe it is our passion for innovative learning methods and the decades of experience working with organisations and individuals.

From consulting to training to assessment, Accord provides high-impact, customised and outcome driven solutions that are designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the organizations. Stepping into the clients’ shoes and examining problems from their perspective helps us provide effective solutions. Covering a wide range of sectors, including IT, ITES, Manufacturing, Education, Healthcare, PSUs and Retail, Accord ensures that the resource needs of these domains are met within a specified budget and time frame. 

Accord's tailored services enable organizations to pick and choose from an array of training options, assessment modes and consulting solutions. As a pioneer in people management, we deliver only the best of talent to our ever-expanding client base. Having nurtured in communication, team building and leadership development, Accord has shaped men and women to be better employees delivering best performance. 

Our specialities, such as experiential and simulation-based learning techniques, have changed the way people learn and gain knowledge. Our interactive and innovative solutions, be it adventure-based or classroom-based, have addressed the needs of organizations by saving time, money and effort.